Lucky Grenade

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Super Star Destroyer comparison

Ever wondered exactly how much huger the Executor is than everything else? Well, now you can see.
Games to get: Force Unleashed, Mercs 2, Gears 2, Halo Wars. If you are a Star Wars fan and are considering watching the Clone Wars movie, don't. It's ok i guess, but is obviously catering to young children. I thought it was going to be serious, like the original Clone Wars cartoons, but it is filled with impossibilities and unlikelyhoods, such as when Anakin and his childish padawan sneak past an entire army of CIS droids by hiding under a box. Not at all like the movies.

It does

OnePlusYou Quizzes and Widgets

Dark Knight xbox 360

Dark Knight xbox 360
This rules.

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