Lucky Grenade

Friday, July 25, 2008

Dark Knight

I know, that this movie came out last week, but I saw it on the 18th, and it was awesome. I've seen it twice. The acting was great, (especially with the Joker) the action was great, and it was as good if not better than the first. See it if you haven't.
Also, I have some new game trailers up at the bottom of the page, and the Dark Knight trailer just because it is so cool.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Dragon Age, Dawn of War II

Welcome to the lucky grenade. This is essentially a blog about gaming (the 10,652nd to be exact) and whatever else piques my interest. Here we go.

Bioware's MMORPG project has been announced somewhat unofficially, but announced nonetheless as a KOTOR game. The EA CEO said the Bioware/Lucasarts project will be the "most anticipated game, full stop, for the industry". Also, Bioware's Dragon Age:Origins has a trailer out: . It is "the spiritual sequel to Baldur's Gate" said the Bioware co-CEO, speaking of Bioware's popular Rpg for the PC.

Now, something I am as excited about as Dragon Age, Dawn of War II. It only has 3 announced factions so far, Orks, Space Marines, and the Eldar. Here is the latest preview on the front page of the official site:

That's it for now.

It does

OnePlusYou Quizzes and Widgets

Dark Knight xbox 360

Dark Knight xbox 360
This rules.

New Halo Wars trailer

Dragon Age: Origins

Dawn of War II trailer

Operation Flashpoint 2

Dark Knight Trailer